I think I have found someone even more cynical than I …

Found a tattered copy of this in some old paperwork today and wondered whether anyone feels that dear old Pierre-Joseph was awfully wide of the mark?

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

“To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.

To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction, noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected and punished.

It is, under pretext of public utility and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged and dishonoured. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”


THE SUNDAY ESSAY: The Opposition may be useless and the media working for the State, but we still need a Resistance

Wise words – and a timely call to action, Folks.

The Slog

marrstarmer2 The days of lone bloggers are numbered: they will soon be the next target of those who would silence all contrarian thought, and cannot equal the impact of the ‘old’ mainstream media. Radical realists need a medium of their own, but one connected to a physical Movement at local level. The Slog suggests an opening strategy.

Thursday’s investigative Slogpost on the deeply unpleasant National Socialist “Sir” Mark Sedwill came and went with barely a ripple.

Online and in terms of thread comments, it was by Slog standards an outstanding success: just under 20,000 hits, 71 5-star ratings and a bulging email postbag filled with supporters offering me other useful tips and tidbits that disgusted them as much as one could hope to expect. I must also add, by the way, that it was Slogger Brian who first pointed out to me Sedwill’s directorship at Halo. As ‘man who helps…

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EXPLOSIVE: Vaccination, economic ruin, Mark Sedwill, and the route into the Euro

Sad days ahead …

The Slog

money bills currency euros

Is the rise of the Technocorporacratic State now unstoppable?

As the start of returning to some kind of normal, the prime minister will join an international conference today, and describe the hunt for a vaccine as ‘the most urgent shared endeavour of our lifetimes – it is humanity against the virus“, adding “only a mass-produced vaccine will defeat it”.

So once Boris Johnson has – by talking utter claptrap – finally declared himself firmly on the globalist Big Pharma enforced vaccination team, I really do think it’s time to stop the data analysis paralysis and move on towards what active, thinking people can do to resist what’s coming next.

It is a sad statement on BoJo that his opinion of ordinary people is so rock-bottom, he is sure they will believe that a coronavirus with a global death rate of 0.03% is about to become the agent fauchage 

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THE FUTURE OF POST COVID19 FREEDOM: why its high time The Donald and Bojo walked the walk

Lucrezia Borgia had nothing on these subversive psychpaths. JW scores yet another gold at 100 paces.

The Slog

covidboristrumpOver the last three years, a lot of Brits and Americans have put aside their distaste for these two politicians – in a bid to check the power of the Unelected State. It is now well past payback time. The COVID19 nonsense has gone too far: the thinking minority dedicated to the salvation of liberty want action this day

Even if one doesn’t think our political and bureaucratic classes are always bought lock, stock and barrel, the very least we should all expect – given every last penny these wretched people make comes from our labour – is that they should (as a form of due diligence) check the veracity and agendas that accompany the advice they take.

I’ve been drilling into the life and times of Dr Anthony Fauci, Trump’s chief medical “expert” in recent days. The bloke is a serious piece of work.

Dr Judy Mikovits, who joined…

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THE SUNDAY ESSAY: Covid19 & the rise & rise of the Totalitechnarians

Ze Chermans vere alvays gut at zis planning malarkey 🙂

The Slog

There’s a wonderful old adage which suggests that “the world can be divided into two types of people….those who think it can be divided into two types of people, and those who don’t”. When I worked at the Bates Wordwide ad agency, everyone in the business back then was into global typologies. Bates had a system when I joined called Globalscan that posited five typologies and, as the de facto Executive Planning Director (strategy stuff and data) I was informed that GScan was a vital global client tool.

So I took a crash course in the theory and numbers behind it. It took me an afternoon to work out that it was at best tosh and at worst a post-rationalisation of the potty ideas of Ted Levitt – with a little Jung thrown in for good measure, but not diluted by the wiser thoughts of Joe Stiglitz – who was…

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As always – Cui bono?
The Slog, again, provides considerable insight as to what is really going on.

The Slog

As the gap between Covid19 reality and élite Plague fantasy yawns ever wider, the 3% are hard at work putting illiberal Crash2 unaccountability into place. The Slog investigates and analyses the use of fear & distraction, and offers a comprehensive debunking


There is an excellent page at the Worldometer site, called Coronavirusupdatelive, that I’ve been monitoring for a while. So far I have failed to find any agenda there, but you never know. This is yesterday’s output:


First rule of media stats: the smaller the print, the more insights it offers. Always drill down.

Bottom left, 95% of cases are mild. So even though the headline death rate looks bad at 4.53%, around (say) 50% of the infected don’t “present” to the authorites: that is, they stay in bed listening to the battleaxe telling them they’ve got Man Flu.

That number is a guesstimate and will always…

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OFFICIAL: Still no fat ladies singing on Wall Street

An essential read in light of the sheer quantity of nonsense being spouted by what passes for the media these days. John Ward is right on the money. Again.

The Slog


The Dow lost something far more valuable than a few thousand points last week. It lost the mutual trust upon which bourses are based.

What will happen this time when the citizenry is once more asked to pick up the tab for the depravity, criminality, anti-social greed and sociopathy of the bourse/central bank racketeers? The Slog spells out the history, and offers an immediate outlook.

The trail of citizen rape that slithering financialised bourse neoliberalism has left behind it goes back quite some way:

  • Ignored overheating in 2003
  • Doubled UK national debt in 2009
  • Cost £790 billion to bail out British banks, 2010
  • Cheated everyone with SIPP Bear Notes via QE, 2011-ongoing
  • Removed all income on capital for the retired with Zirp, 2012-ongoing
  • Rigged the Libor rate to cheat retail customers
  • Pushed share valuations up by 300% in nine years based on cheap credit
  • Within a year of Crash1, started…

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The Red Mist

It seems almost to be a national characteristic of the British chap that if ever there is a fight to be fought he will, more often than not, pitch in with the losing side.

I have been reading George Orwell’s “The Road to Wigan Pier” these last few days and have been struck by just how similar in many ways the Britain of the 1930’s is so similar to our own today. The separation of the ‘working class’ from the ‘bourgoisie’, the considerable disparity between their relative incomes and living conditions, and the utter cynicism of the ruling classes. The only thing that has really changed is the lexicon describing the participants in the game.

Back to my opening sentence; my initial response is to side with the underdog – but, with advancing years and a healthy dose of realism self-administered through the decades, I realise that any efforts thus expended will not make a button bit of difference. Indeed, in eighty-four years time (the distance between the date of Wigan Pier’s publication and today) I rather suspect that my great-grandchild will be making a similar observation on whatever passes for internet communication in 2104.

But the Red Mist descends when I read of the latest disgraceful activities of the great and the good, supposedly on our behalf – and the treatment of Julian Assange in Belmarsh Magistrate’s Court these last few days, for example, (https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/02/your-man-in-the-public-gallery-the-assange-hearing-day-3/ refers) is as splendid a refutation as one may ask of the statement that British Justice is a fine institution and the envy of all. It is not and we are, to all intents and purposes, living in a banana republic. What really bothers me is the utter confidence these people have that they can get away with this sort of behaviour.

I will be retiring soon; I intend to spend a bit more time pursuing the creatures who seek to make our lives a little bit worse while improving their own petty existences.

WASPI/BACK TO 60: naming the unfunded Fat Pension Sir Humphreys

The Slog

me11117(2) This afternoon’s Slogpost first appeared here on the 27th August 2010. Most of the lies surrounding State Pension Reform (aka infidelity embezzlement by a sociopathic State) had already been disseminated. Ten years on, they have all been rebutted, and the only difference is that Osborne the Undead compounded the crime by speeding up the heist further still in a desperate attempt to impress the markets. SPA reform victims still await justice at the hands of our judiciary: I urge those women not to hold their breath.

During the decade since, this blatant abuse of civil rights has been overshadowed by a series of “bigger” issues like Hackgate, Skripal, Windrush, Brexit and Boris. But none of those involved the deliberate bullying of 3.65 million UK women by an élite itself living in clover on equally unfunded State pensions.

No kind of spin can hide the fact that 12% of…

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